September 28, 2007

Long time comin'

Well I have not posted recently and that was for a variety of reasons. Involving both work and family.
Let me just say that the last 11 days have definitely included some of the most difficult days of the wagon so far. I've had a variety of projects at work that have had a very tight deadline, which means early morning and late nights. Which also means more opportunities for temptation via the bitter black good stuff. The mornings have been most difficult, I've been arriving at work at six, or seven, or eight, and I can't get into a routine. When this happened in the past I would just cheat and use coffee to go ahead and wake me up, not matter what time it is. Can't do it no more, so it's been a lot of herbal teas, and water... and at lunch the occasional Diet Coke.
Family and friends have also been visiting, and that means early morning, and nice dinners, where I would normal have a coffee for desert.
I've been thinking about the wagon a little bit lately. Am I avoiding all coffee, or would a shot of espresso be ok. My argument for it being ok is that I am only cutting coffee out of my life because it was all I drank, I never have an espresso, even when I was drinking coffee, so is it different enough to drink it... I mean this isn't a caffeine thing, I'm still drinking tea...
It's probably a bullshit move on my part, so I won't drink espresso yet.

September 17, 2007

Sunday Morning.

Yesterday was nearly disastrous, we had friends staying with us from out of town, and in the morning, I woke up. Ground some fresh coffee, boiled a pot of water, used the French Press, and let sit for a minute before pouring myself a cup of coffee. I remember before taking a sip that I couldn't drink it... Talk about a close call, I was bringing it up to my mouth before I noticed.

September 14, 2007

I'm actually doing it!

I've been doing the 1-2-3-spank for so long now that all I have to do is say "ONE" and my kids immediately start towing the line. This wagon business will be a cinch.

Maybe I'll give up ice cream next.

IS anyone thinking of their wagon as permanent? Graham, are you looking forward to your next cup of Joe or are you seeing how it held you in caffeinated shackles you secretly longed to break?

September 13, 2007

Cue drama...

Per a suggestion from Not Jennifer Gibbs I have decided to add some drama to my day, and wagon, by placing a mug of coffee on my desk. I won't be drinking this coffee, but it will be there to serve as a reminder of what I am missing. So far the wagon is going well. It's making me think of the time I spent on the "meat" wagon... I spent six months as a vegan...
It's also making me think about getting on other wagons, which are not all food related. Meghan is on a big health kick, so I am being forced to start exercising, I guess that would be the "not exercising" wagon. This is a tough life I've chosen to live.

September 10, 2007


This is going to be a very boring blog if I don't start having more conflict. I just don't "need" coffee like I expected. Granted it's only been a little more the a week, but I've only desired the good black stuff once or twice when I smelled a fresh pot brewing. Oddly enough my expectation of replacing coffee with Tea has not panned out either, and I have pretty much been drinking water every day at work. I guess that is better for me or something.

September 6, 2007

Wagons--Day 6

Here is the list of wagons I've been on since september 1:

The Cheese Wagon
The Chocolate Wagon
The Fast Food Wagon
THE Wagon
The HFCS & Refined Sugar Wagon
The Soda Pop Wagon
The Pizza Wagon

P Bu, there is nothing wrong with riding the Cheese Wagon. As far as I'm concerned, the more people who are riding it, the less time I have to spend at the harness (and the more time I can be taking a nap in the back of the wagon). Though I guess that would depend on who else is on The Cheese Wagon--and whether there is just ONE cheese wagon and how many people the cheese wagon can comfortably hold.

As a semi-professional wagon rider, I feel that the cheese wagon is the toughest of all the wagons. there are a number of reasons for this, for starters you can eat cheese anytime or anyplace and not be scowled at (society frowns on those who drink alcohol at 9 a.m.), everyone eats cheese, it tastes f-ing great, and there are other reason too that I must come back to later because I have to go the the DMV.

Anyway, I hoped on another wagon: The High Fructose Corn Syrup Wagon (HFCS) and refined sugars wagon. Of all people, Anne Burnett got me thinking about this one several months ago. I've been on it for 6 days and feel pretty good. Like the Cheese Wagon, the HFCS Wagon is pretty difficult to ride just because of it's ubiquitiousness in almost everything. But it feels like i'm not so hungry anymore (one of the theories of HFCS and sugary foods is it spikes your blood sugar and triggers your body to start storing fat, as well as--for some reason that I don't understand--making you feel hungry sooner).

Long-Long day

Got to work pretty early today, had probably four cups of tea all day. and I am just now wrapping up my work. Kinda sucked a little bit. But not too bad. Caught myself thinking about getting coffee twice while I was in the pantry at my office, the smell of fresh brewed coffee was pretty appealing, but I stuck with my tea.
It's rich in anti-oxidants... for Joel.

September 4, 2007


Now that I've joined as a poster, I need to choose a wagon to ride (in addition to not beating Laurita's children, a wagon I pledge to ride until at least the end of the year). Lord knows I've plenty of vices and/or things I'd be better off not doing or eating, but I'm not sure what wagon to ride. I guess that means I'm taking suggestions.

I know I won't be on THE Wagon; I spend too much time in bars not to drink. I know I won't ride the coffee wagon because I love coffee too much and because, frankly, I have worse habits.

The cheese wagon is intriguing, but I don't want to steal Juicy's thunder.

It seems like the Sweets Wagon may be my best bet. It will be extremely hard for me (I have a nearly insatiable sweet tooth, and I have ice cream in my refrigerator). Consequently, I'm not really sure that I can do it.


Bob Evans

Went to Bob Evans yesterday for a nice Labor Day breakfast, and I of course had tea with my bacon and eggs. Can't say it was too bad, I think I may have enjoyed it. I do know that I am going to miss my coffee, it's going to be a long wait until New Years.

September 3, 2007

Day 120 12:30 AM

Cleaning up after having friends over for dinner I may have normally made myself a cup of coffee, I pushed on remembering the challenge that I laid out for myself.

I do realize that I look a little like the Toxic Avenger.

September 2, 2007

These are my children. I will give up spanking them for 122 days. It will be a tough 122 days, but I'm sure I can find some suitable methods of torture that will instill order as well as spanking or the threat of spanking. At the moment, none spring to mind...

...maybe I can just feed them cheese.

121 Days

This is my last cup of coffee for the next 121 days. I will replace coffee with something better for me, water, possibly juice or a smoothie, or maybe even tea. I believe there is also a new diet coke that has vitamins added, maybe that's bettter then coffee, this will be a tough 121 days.