September 2, 2007

These are my children. I will give up spanking them for 122 days. It will be a tough 122 days, but I'm sure I can find some suitable methods of torture that will instill order as well as spanking or the threat of spanking. At the moment, none spring to mind...

...maybe I can just feed them cheese.


Anonymous said...

Well in the spirit of "onandoffthewagon" I suggest that you choose to punish with food. I can tell just by looking at them that the need some punishment. I suggest Kiwi's... Yeah, they taste good, but the hairs on their skin never get completely peeled off. That seems like some sort of wagon.

Laurita said...

Excellent suggestion. I can pull a Mommy Dearest and not let them leave the table or give them new food until they eat the kiwi.

Graham, are you by chance a parent? You have the evil mind necessary for daddy duty.

Joseph H. Vilas said...
