September 2, 2007

121 Days

This is my last cup of coffee for the next 121 days. I will replace coffee with something better for me, water, possibly juice or a smoothie, or maybe even tea. I believe there is also a new diet coke that has vitamins added, maybe that's bettter then coffee, this will be a tough 121 days.


Not Erik Estrada said...

I'm leary about supporting your coffee wagon, but if you supplement it with tea it should be okay. and it is your life. i think i was worried you were going to pull an al o'laughlin and stop drinking coffee and replace it with tons of diet coke.

and there is a certain aire of superiority you can have over coffee drinkers (except for the ones who use a french press).

Anonymous said...

It's been something like 5 hours, and so far so good. I'm not feeling to bad, but my body isn't too used to having multiple cups of coffee on a Sunday. This week will be the true test.
I'm thinking that maybe I'll try to split my liquid intake during the work day at: 75% Water, and 25% Tea, it will break down to about 12 cups of water, and four cups of tea. At least I'll be hydrated.