September 28, 2007

Long time comin'

Well I have not posted recently and that was for a variety of reasons. Involving both work and family.
Let me just say that the last 11 days have definitely included some of the most difficult days of the wagon so far. I've had a variety of projects at work that have had a very tight deadline, which means early morning and late nights. Which also means more opportunities for temptation via the bitter black good stuff. The mornings have been most difficult, I've been arriving at work at six, or seven, or eight, and I can't get into a routine. When this happened in the past I would just cheat and use coffee to go ahead and wake me up, not matter what time it is. Can't do it no more, so it's been a lot of herbal teas, and water... and at lunch the occasional Diet Coke.
Family and friends have also been visiting, and that means early morning, and nice dinners, where I would normal have a coffee for desert.
I've been thinking about the wagon a little bit lately. Am I avoiding all coffee, or would a shot of espresso be ok. My argument for it being ok is that I am only cutting coffee out of my life because it was all I drank, I never have an espresso, even when I was drinking coffee, so is it different enough to drink it... I mean this isn't a caffeine thing, I'm still drinking tea...
It's probably a bullshit move on my part, so I won't drink espresso yet.


Laurita said...

A shot of espresso? Stop that stinkin' thinkin' Grant! The wagon is the wagon. Experimentation = Relapse!!!

(I've been exposed to too much Stuart Smalley)

Laurita said...


Anonymous said...

I agree... but I guess I should have made it clear to myself when I got on this wagon that it was the "coffee bean" wagon... not the coffee wagon. I guess it's not really that big of a deal.
Would coffee candy also be considered breaking the rules? I remember that my grandmother used to have her arm wrest between the drive and passenger seat stocked with Brachs Coffee Candy. That was some good stuff.

Apparently people don't think it tastes as good as I remember.

Well it's established, no espresso.