October 29, 2007


I did not purchase or consume any of the following this past weekend:

ice cream

I even went to the movies Friday without having any candy. No candy at a movie! It helped that it was a movie theatre with beer (Schlafly Pale Ale for those keeping score at home), but still: no f-ing candy at a movie.

However . . .

It's a good thing I'm not on the cheese wagon because I had seven kinds of cheeses over the weekend (some sort of Swiss Gruyere, Chauvre, a Dutch cheese that tasted similar to muenster, a goat cheese I don't remember, a Gouda, American, and cottage).
In my effort to try new cheeses, I bought a couple I'd never had before, including one (the Swiss Gruyere) that cost $20 a pound. I've got to start reading labels and prices before I buy things at the grocery store.


Anonymous said...

One weekend down... another nine to go. It's all baby steps. Imagine the awesomeness of the binge that you will partake in on New Years Day...
I know I am going to spend the entire day smoking smokes, and drinking coffee to overcome my hangover.
Nine Weekends... Just keep telling yourself that.

Laurita said...

If you're in KC, you need to go to the Brookside Sunfresh and get some of this d'Affinois cheese. It's the BEST stuff that's ever passed my lips and I eat a LOT.