October 19, 2007


I cannot seem to be able to climb back on the sweets wagon. Here are the sweets I've consumed this week alone:
3 bite sized Heath bars
1 bite sized Snickers bar

Actually, that doesn't seem too bad; I hadn't realized how limited my sweets consumption (compared to normal) had been. In fact, I was riding the wagon from Monday - Wednesday.

I'll try to hop back on today.


Anonymous said...

You could always just start slow and get on the full-size / King-size candy candy bar wagon. You would still have to prevent yourself from consuming an entire bag of bite sized bars. I believe in baby steps... this could work...

Not Jennifer Gibbs said...

Hmmmmm. Interesting. The problem is that candy bars aren't the issue--things like pie, ice cream, and brownies are what usually get me. I think it's best that I not have any sweets in the house, irrespective of size. Halloween will be a problem. Maybe I'll be the person who gives raisins for Halloween. Considering I may be doling the treats dressed as Michael Devlin (google it), that may just seal my fate as the house that gets egged.

Laurita said...

Halloween is a bad time to attempt this very precarious wagon. Wait until March.

Anonymous said...

Fuck that... be strong. I believe in you, you've already let me down once, so second times the charm!