October 13, 2007

The most difficult morning of the year.

Coors Light Night is tonight. An annual event where Meghan and I and some friends go to the beach house drink as much Coors Light as we can while playing Parcheesi. This event has grown from three people the first, to four the second, all the way up to ten this. There are two additional parts to Coors Light Night, the first being that everyone must jump in the water, no matter how cold, which was rough last year at 40 Degrees (This year it's supposed to be around 60.) The other aspect of Coors Light Night is that the morning after includes a trip to Bob Evans... This is where it's going to be difficult for me. How can I not go eat there? I'll need the grease to soak up my hangover... but I'm going to have to eat it with Hot Tea? Fuck... this is going to suck. I'll post pictures of the event... and maybe morning after.

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